Hello and thanks for visiting!

I’m Matt Beard – I’m a full time .NET full stack developer with a wide range of understanding across all sorts of technologies, currently working for Data8. Whilst I work across all sort of technologies and platforms, I have a particular passion for what was formerly known as Dynamics CRM, although recently it’s expanding out into the PowerPlatform and the Microsoft first party apps such as Customer Engagement.

This site is the ramblings of a developer who likes to share his findings. I’ve got a passion for talking in front of a room and trying to give educational insights at the same time as telling an entertaining story and my PowerPoint skills are exceptional (so I’ve been told…). Some of the posts on this blog will be quick hit findings around the Microsoft stack, some will be a series of posts telling a development story and others will be supporting materials to live presentations I’ll give at events such as the D365UG’s around the world.

In my day to day life, I’m a husband to a fantastic wife and a daddy to a beautiful daughter. I’m a football fan (the european football, not the american one!) and I’m a passionate Liverpool FC fan and finally, I’m a gamer. I’m an Xbox fan at heart and have been since day 1 of the first ever Xbox!

If you ever want to get in touch, best place for now would be Twitter!