It’s a bold statement I know but hear me out and I’ll try and help you see why I believe this. I will make a few generalisations throughout and I know the answer to how applicable a lot of this is “…it depends” but I’m positive at least some elements of this will resonate with you.

Setting a field as required

Required fields will, at some point, detract from the quality of your data in pretty much any system. By how much depends on the metadata of the field as well as the ultimate aim trying to be achieved.

To over simplify a system, there are 3 types of data you can put into a text field.
1) Helping text i.e. description on account. The data in this field is for someone else to read – it could be a mix of facts or opinions. This type of data is very rarely used for analysis.
2) An opinion or a guess i.e. probably on “opportunity”. The data is this field is open to the users interpretation and cannot be confirmed.
3) A fact i.e. a telephone number on “contact”. The data in this field is either right or wrong.

Let’s go through each one.

Helping text. This isn’t a field type that really affects data quality as it just sits there to help others but let’s thinks about the remaining two and what happens if you make them required fields.

Opinion fields. I can understand the requirement to make these required and I would have no problems suggesting you doing just that – but what I would suggest is document the decisions users must make when deciding the value of the field. As it’s down to an individual users interpretation you will end up with natural inconsistency throughout your system and if you can do anything to assist those users in making more consistent choices throughout, it will make it easily in the long run if you wish to analyse. Many times have I heard statements like “User XYZ is much better at converting the hard opportunities” when all it really means is User XYZ isn’t very good at managing his sales pipeline.

Factual fields. This is there I have a real issue with required fields. No matter how much you think “We will always have a phone number for a contact”, the simple fact is you won’t. So if you set phone number fields to be required, then what happens? Normally something like this:

0 is definitely not a phone number

“We will always have either a phone number or an email address”. Fair enough point and if you’re a digital business then you’re probably correct but that doesn’t mean you make them required as you aren’t guaranteed to have both, which means one could be full of junk! If and only if you are 100% guaranteed to have valid data for a field then you can make it required, otherwise I would suggest thinking of alternatives, which I will go through in my next blog post.

What about non-text fields?

As long as you can maintain whatever source populates a non-text field whether it’s an option set or a lookup, as long as it’s well maintained then required fields are good to go – but again, think bigger picture. Source campaign is a fantastic example here.

Your list of campaigns is in great shape and well maintained by your marketing team. Your monthly reports showing you what campaign your closed opportunities came from is working great but at some point, a user of your system makes a new campaign because his new lead doesn’t quite fit any other campaign criteria and he’s realised he has create permissions on the campaign entity. He calls the campaign “Other”. Other users notice firstly stumble the “Other” campaign because have their permissions set to read all campaigns – but this now makes that campaign the last used so is now quickly accessible so it becomes a go to – most users will, whether they realise it or not, use the path of least resistance when filling in required fields and within a short period of time, hard work can be undone.

Please join me for part 2 of this post in a few days – I haven’t quite finished my evidence yet but wanted to take a pause for a short while for you to digest. I’ve also got comments enabled on the blog so I’d be curious of any thoughts or comments readers may have which I will respond to in part 2.


The CRM Ninja · September 7, 2020 at 7:20 pm

We’re currently involved in a project around Master Data Management. As a result, we’re needing to enforce users entering specific data points (that are kept to a minimum) in order to enforce data standards. There are other systems downstream that consume this data, so we do require it to be there

    Matt · September 7, 2020 at 7:25 pm

    So are you validating it at entry point? If so, how? How does down stream handle it if data isn’t as expected?

    I understand the requirement but my issue is “required” doesn’t solve a problem by itself.

      The CRM Ninja · September 11, 2020 at 8:32 am

      The downstream systems require the data to be fed through – if it’s not present, it causes issues. We’re ensuring some correct formats (eg string, option-sets, etc), but the data is always present and available to enter the MDM data record. The issue that the client had in the past (with Excel spreadsheets) was that users sometimes skipped data entry fields, with the resultant knock-on effect. Making fields required ensures that the necessary data does get entered.
      I do agree with you that it’s not the absolute ‘be all/end all’ solution for the problem, but it is a useful tool to be applied in the right way

n mason · September 8, 2020 at 11:35 am

all option lists should have an Other or N/A and use of those should be picked up in regular reporting so it can be controlled. If not and the list is compulsory to complete the form then users will pick an option (least bad in their opinion) and you will have no way of knowing.

    Matt · September 8, 2020 at 11:45 am

    Interesting thought and one I hope to move onto in the future as personally? I think “Other” is not a good usage of option sets so it’ll be another interesting topic.

    Thanks for reading.

    The CRM Ninja · September 11, 2020 at 8:29 am

    We expressly advise clients NOT to go down this route, as putting a ‘catch all’ value inevitably is the cause of bad data. If there’s a category that isn’t on the option-set, the business should raise a case for getting it added appropriately.
    I’ve had data cleanups situations covering hundreds of thousands of records where this is one of the root causes of the bad data

Garry Pope · September 21, 2020 at 5:06 am

Great post! Thanks for sharing, Matt.

I agree with.N Mason. The “Other” in an option set, although unhelpful for reporting, I believe, keeps data quality of the real option set values clean. When “Other” is selected a second field called, I don’t know, “Other Reason” can appear so the user can type in what they would have liked to have seen as an option set. Then when you see the same value appearing multiple times you can make a decision on whether to add it as an option set value.

Once again, great post. Looking forward to reading the others.

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